unbind all name "^1[^7NC^1]^1Ymp^71^1R" model "hunter" bind v "model Demia; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Demia" bind b "model Crash; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Crash" bind n "model Uriel; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Uriel" bind m "model Xaero; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Xaero" bind , "model Tankjr; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Tankjr" bind . "model Major; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Major" bind / "model Hunter; say ^1Ymp^71^1R changed to Hunter" exec fastbind.cfg exec zoom.cfg bind 1 "say ^1Prepare for you're defeat" bind 2 "say ^1Frag everything that isn't you" bind 3 "say Close :D" bind 4 "say Lucky shot" bind 5 "say w00t!" bind 6 "say n00b!" bind 7 "say ^1Shut up!" bind 8 "say :)" bind 9 "say Whahahaha" bind 0 "say Kick him!" bind - "kill" bind kp_home "toggle cg_draw2d" bind kp_uparrow "toggle cg_drawgun" bind F5 "toggle g_synchronousClients" bind F6 "record; say ^1Ymp^71^1R is recording a demo" bind F7 "stoprecord; say ^1Ymp^71^1R recorded a demo" bind F8 "screenshotJPEG; say ^1Ymp^71^1R took a screenshot (JPEG)" bind F9 "toggle cg_thirdperson" bind F10 "exec matrix.cfg" bind F11 "exec matrix2.cfg" bind F12 "quit" bind del "noclip" bind ins "god" bind end "give all" bind home "give quad damage" bind shift "weapnext" bind f "weapon 4" bind g "weapon 1" bind p "weapon 8" bind r "weapon 5" bind h "centerview" bind a "+moveleft" bind d "+moveright" bind w "+forward" bind s "+back" bind c "+movedown" bind space "+moveup" bind tab "+scores" bind capslock "+button3" bind ctrl "+button2" bind t "messagemode" bind y "messagemode2" bind u "messagemode3" bind i "messagemode4" bind kp_end "g_gametype 0; say gametype is changed to Free For All -type /serverinfo for more server info-" bind kp_downarrow "g_gametype 1; say gametype is changed to Tournament -type /serverinfo for more server info-" bind kp_pgdn "g_gametype 2; say gametype is changed to Capture The Flag -type /serverinfo for more server info-" bind kp_leftarrow "g_gametype 3; say gametype is changed to Team Deathmatch -type /serverinfo for more server info-" bind * "serverinfo" bind kp_del "killserver" bind = "exec Ymp1Rffa.cfg; say ^1Ymp1Rffa.cfg was executed" bind ] "exec Ymp1Rtdm.cfg; say ^1Ymp1Rtdm.cfg was executed" bind \ "exec Ymp1Rctf.cfg; say ^1Ymp1Rctf.cfg was executed" bind uparrow "exec ffaserver.cfg; say ^1The server changed to FFA ^2-timelimit 15- -fraglimit 0- -Q3DM4 Q3DM6 Q3DM7 Q3DM16 Q3DM17 Q3TOURNEY3 Q3TOURNEY4-" bind downarrow "exec ffaserverq3dm7.cfg; say ^1The server changed to FFA ^2-timelimit 15- -fraglimit0- -Q3DM7-" bind leftarrow "exec tdmserver.cfg; say ^1The server changed to TDM ^2-timelimit 15- -fraglimit 0- -Q3DM7-" bind rightarrow "exec ctfserver.cfg; say ^1The server changed to CTF ^2-timelimit 30- -capturelimit 8- -Q3CTF1 Q3CTF2 Q3CTF3 Q3CTF4 Q3CTF5-" bind z "addbot xaero 4 4 4; addbot sarge 4 4 4; addbot hunter 4 4 4; addbot uriel 4 4 4; addbot orb 4 4 4; say ^1If you sur5 this you're good" bind x "addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; addbot [TB]Xaero 5 5 5; say ^1If you sur5 this you 0wn!" bind kp_minus "kick all" bind kp_plus "kick allbots" seta cg_crosshairsize "12" seta cg_drawfps "1" seta cg_drawtimer "1" seta cg_crosshairSize "15" seta sensitivity "30" seta cl_mouseAccel "1" seta sv_hostname "^1BLaST ^4SERVER" seta sv_maxclients "12" seta sv_minPing "0" seta sv_maxPing "200" seta sv_floodProtect "1" seta cl_allowDownload "1" seta cg_autoswitch "0" seta color "4" seta com_maxfps "0" seta fraglimit "0" seta cg_fov "110"